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How Can You Support Godly Play

As a parent, you probably want to know how you can support your child's experience in Godly Play. It's important for parents to play an active role in a child's spirituality. Here are some ideas of how you can enhance your children's Godly Play experience, even if it feels like you are outside of it. 

The Ten Best Ways: For Parents

One Godly Play lesson tells children about the “Ten Best Ways” to live – the Ten Commandments that God gave to God’s People.  Here we offer “Ten Best Ways” for parents, grandparents and children’s guardians.  Not Commandments, instead they are Behavioral Covenants.  Ways, we invite you to share more fully in your child’s Godly Play experience. more about the program.

The Ten Best Ways Story

1. Help your children be on time and ready! Teachers need time to prepare for the day’s lesson, so please do not send your children too early. Encourage your child to go to the bathroom before class, take off coats and shoes, and leave any toys and belongings outside the room. Children are always welcomed into the circle, but it is best if everyone is settled before the story starts.

2. Be patient, knowing that part of what we are teaching the children is the importance of slowing down and being ready to be with God. The Godly Play circle is built slowly and lovingly, to welcome each child, one at a time. When children arrive, they wait outside the door while the teacher helps them get ready to join the circle.

3. Say your goodbyes at the door, and know that the teachers are ready to make the next hour a safe and welcoming time for every child. Even if your child is not ready to go in, you may leave them to continuing getting ready with the door person once the rest of the children have gone into the room. 

4. Do not come into the room during drop off, class, or pick up. The Godly Play room is a sacred space for the children, and having additional adults in the room is disruptive to the flow of the class. The door person will dismiss the children one at a time so that each child has time to clean up their own things and say goodbye to the teachers. Again, please be patient! This is an important part of the lesson. 

5. Try not to be discouraged if children do not have the words to tell you about their experience in the classroom. Young children, in particular, will not always be about to tell you what they learned, because what they learned was how to learn about the powerful language of the Christian people. 

6. Know that there may not be a physical product for their “work” that day, because some of what they are learning cannot be put into words even by adults. In Godly Play, we focus on our relationships with God, the depth of relationships in the community of children, and learning how to use the Christian language to make meaning of our experiences. 

7. Understand that some days we will choose not to include all of the parts of the lesson. In Godly Play we believe that we have “all the time we need,” and it is more important to respond to the needs of the children than to stick to a strict schedule. Some weeks, children will join their parents in the service at the beginning before joining us for Godly Play. Skipping a particular piece of the lesson is not a punishment, it is an intentional decision made for the benefit of the entire group based on the time available. 

8. Inform the teachers about any allergies, food restrictions and special support we can offer your child before you leave. 

9. Pick up your children at the end of the session. Depending on your community, the teacher may not release the children without the presence of their parent/guardian. Check with your doorperson about the expectation for pick up.

10. Support the program by learning more about Godly Play. You may attend our next “Godly Play Taster” for parents.  The environment is a critical part of the curriculum, and knowing more about the way things are set up will help you connect with your child about what happens there. Connect with your Godly Play coordinator about how you could learn more about the program.

Supporting Documents

Parent Pages: Each Godly Play Story has parent pages, which are a resource that helps parents know what this week's story is about. Ask your storyteller if they have the parent pages for the week so you can connect with your child about it or inquire if your church is willing to purchase this resource for parents.

Godly Play Went Home - A Study about Godly Play at home through COVID-19: This study may be interesting to parents who would like to try Godly Play at home or incorporate it into a home school plan

Bringing Godly Play Home

There are many ways to bring Godly Play into your home and connect your child's church experience daily to life at home. Here are some ideas:

Advent Story

Pray at Meal Times - Many storytellers will ask children to say a prayer before we share our feast. Connect with your Godly Play teachers to find out the routine in your child's classroom so you can incorporate it into your family meal times.

Wonder with your Children - when children ask you questions, allow space for discussion and allow them to explore their own ideas about something they have questions about before giving them all the answers. Encouraging critical thinking will allow them to go further with their wonderings during spiritual discussions.

Create Sacred Space - The Godly Play room is designed specifically for children and the children who experience this space can feel that it is special. Create with your child, a space in your home where they can come close to God.

Everyday Godly Play - Explore resources from the Everyday Godly Play Program from the Godly Play Foundation


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